
My Writing Journey Part 8

It was time for another blog post, and as a writer, building an 'author platform' is crucial. However, creating content for a blog or social media can take away from the main focus - writing my next book. The challenge often lies in finding a topic and developing it into a worthy piece of prose.

Procrastination is a common struggle for many, but it seems to be amplified in writers. Perhaps we unconsciously sabotage ourselves because we don't think our writing is worth reading, or we fear failure or success. We may even expect perfection and avoid writing altogether.

But there are ways to overcome procrastination. First, minimize distractions and break down the writing task into manageable pieces. Set a schedule and use a timer to stay on track. Even if it's just gibberish, write something to get started. Change the internal voice from "I have to write" to "I choose to write." Give yourself a reward for reaching a goal, and finally, just do it.

As a writer, it's easy to get bogged down in shiny object syndrome when it comes to blog topics. But these strategies, can help conquer procrastination and create content that helps build your author platform.




The Steep Incline