The Christmas Dance

A Christian novella

When Katelyn Peterson arrives to rehearse a dance number added to the big Christmas production, she discovers her partner will be Tyler Brennan.

Surely not.

They have a history.

One which the choreographer obviously knows nothing about.

Will they be able to pretend to be a loved-up couple or will dancing together rekindle past memories ?


About The Christmas Dance

I attend a big church and we traditionally put on a Christmas show at the beginning of December.

This past year, there was one particular item featuring a couple dancing and it sparked the beginning of a story idea.

As part of the photography team, I get to see multiple shows from different angles and yes, I’m the photographer in the story.

During one show I had a backstage chat to the male half of the dance duo, and he was telling me about his efforts to learn to dance as it wasn’t part of his skill set. I took the seed of that conversation and ran with it.

As for the song Katelyn and Tyler danced to, I chose a different one from what was used in our church production, albeit by the same artist. As soon as I heard Jeremy Lister and Leah Nobel singing “Keeping Christmas Classy”, I knew it was the right song for Katelyn and Tyler and I had it playing on repeat while I wrote those scenes.