Just a Romance Writer
There is always a tendency to downplay the significance of what I do. Afterall it’s just entertainment. Something frivolous, done on the side and not anywhere near as important as say a neurosurgeon or a lawyer, or a farmer who produces the food we need to eat.
But then I realised that these people all need to be able to unwind and escape the stress and pressure of their work. And being able to immerse themselves in a good book can help them do that, so they are able to perform their own job better.
Fiction writing can serve a role in providing that much-needed respite for everyone, regardless of their profession. It offers a form of escapism, a chance to step away from the demands of reality and into worlds of imagination.
An editorial director for Harlequin Press once asked for people to tell her about the positive impact romance novels have had on them.
These are some of the responses:
I found Romance after my brother committed suicide. It was a very dark and hopeless time, but Romance taught me that hope can rise again even after the darkest of moments and love, in all its forms, can be found if you just open yourself up to it. Mariah Ankemann
When I was a pre-teen my Mom had massive stroke.. my coping skill was to read and create my own safe space. Reading romance brought me into a world of happiness while in a world of darkness. Colleen Hruska
I began reading romance novels after my first miscarriage. I believe they re-wired my brain and helped me remember what optimism felt like. Mia Hopkins
I started reading romance novels while undergoing cancer treatment. I needed positive, escapist stories that promised a HEA. TA Martin
I had a lot of inconsistency in my life growing up and romances provided a stability and still do. I know that I will get an HEA at the end of each romance. The consistency is comforting. iReadNovels
In my own case I was dealing with the grief of losing a close family member and escaping into the pages of a romance book gave me some respite and helped me cope with the reality I was facing.
When we read a book or watch a movie, we are transported to different places, introduced to new ideas and exposed to diverse perspectives. We get to experience emotions. confront challenges and explore the depths of human existence, all from the comfort of our own minds. And in doing so, we emerge refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to face whatever comes our way.
Apart from entertainment, fiction writing is also about connection, between the author and the reader, creating a shared experience the transcends time and space. It’s about sparking conversations, challenging assumptions and fostering empathy. Fiction has the ability to unite us and remind us of our common humanity.
I need to reevaluate the value of what I do as a romance fiction writer, recognising the importance of providing moments of solace in an often-overwhelming world. Romance can offer hope, empowerment, inspiration but most of all a sense of optimism and the promise of a happy ending.
Everyone needs a break now and then; everyone deserves a change to recalibrate and relax. And if I can offer that through my stories, then perhaps my writing isn’t so frivolous after all.
Maybe, just maybe, it can be seen as important.